... association,n.1.协会,社团,组织2.联合,结交,结合 the pit of the stomach,胸口,心窝 hang around sth.,(使)在…上挂着,(使)围在…上 ...
The pit of the stomach is your body's oven.
Use all your fingers curved to push down from the pit of the stomach to the belly. Repeat this pushing as many times as you want.
拿十个手指肚交叉往心 窝下推,先在心窝停留一下,再往下推。
It was not the ordinary, gnawing kind, but a great faintness, a palpitation at the pit of the stomach that communicated itself to all his body.
I would be grateful if you would wait until that point if at all you possibly can. It just makes the whole thing work a little easier and it prevents that drop in the pit of my stomach when I see half of the class leave.
Your stomach sinks, you have that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, when you get a bad grade on a test.