Oath of The Rangers 游侠的盟约
Rangers Lead the Way 按图索骥 ; 游骑兵开路 ; 小喂狗
For The Rangers 对于流浪
Stories of the Rangers 游侠的传说
The Forest Rangers 火林虎将
King of the Texas Rangers 复仇巡行者
the lonely rangers 断肠人在天涯
Then a German cleaning equipment company offered to foot the bill and train the rangers.
But HSG's creditors have little interest in ensuring that future owners of the Rangers toe this line.
One of the rangers "said the spiders do a Tarzan swing, like they hang down on the silk and swing over, " Agnarsson said.
Every once in awhile, the rangers must crack down on reckless pilots of air boats that skim across the swamp, endangering themselves and others and tearing up delicate foliage.
VOA: standard.2010.03.29
Park Service rangers explain that mother bats find their babies by remembering their location, their smell and the sound of their cry.
VOA: special.2009.12.07
He was also named an honorary member of the United States Army Rangers as a result.
VOA: special.2011.06.17