吉他 : 张 乐 生于1981年,接触音乐多年》》》3月22日演出乐队 ☆反刍乐队简历 反刍乐队(The Ruminate)成员: 主唱 吉他:戴帅 1980年6月年出生于兰州 贝司:郑光磊 1980年11月出生于兰州 鼓与打击乐:杨磊(柿子) 1984年出生于兰州...
I'm certainly not the one who is going to make up a standard manifesto for those of us who consider ourselves greenies, but I think I'd like to ruminate on it a while.
When asked to estimate the temperature of the room, people assigned to ruminate about rejection said 71 degrees - about 5 degrees lower than temperatures given by the second group.
These conclusions cause to recognize of the play function, and benefit to ruminate over the practice activities of the child play.
Rumination is one of the things that we'll talk about a lot actually not that helpful-- to ruminate about painful emotions.