the sloan management review
...司副董事长,是管理大型复杂组织方面非常有影响力的专家,文章见诸各种期刊,包括《斯隆管理评论》(The Sloan Management Review)。他常以企业蜕变为题发表演讲,特别关注个人与组织复兴的课题,曾为欧洲、美洲、南非、日本的诸多公司指导蜕变计划的实施。
the sloan management review
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Sustainability is not a high priority for most companies, and it is not becoming one that is the conclusion of a just-released survey of global executives by the Sloan Management Review.
FORBES: Sustainability Must Be a Top Priority
The Sloan Management Review posted last week a great interview with Jeanne Ross, Director of the MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research (CISR), where she explains why companies need data dictators.
FORBES: Help Wanted: Data Dictators
Some research published by the MIT Sloan Management Review suggests that bosses are roughly nine percent more likely to consider an employee dependable if you spend time at the office.
FORBES: Does Marissa Mayer Know Something We Don't?