该品牌出了一款印上粉红色G字的女童T恤,定义为“交际花”(the Social Butterfly),而男童T恤却是“小学者”(the Little Scholar),印着爱因斯坦头像。
Whilst the social butterfly is out burning the midnight oil, we are in bed snuggled up with a good book relaxing before visiting a museum the following day.
The light passage from standing flowers, and the frequently colorful wings of butterfly has inspired the term social butterfly.
蝴蝶扑闪着色彩斑斓的翅膀轻盈飞舞于花丛中,这样的美景应该是交际花(social butterfly)这个说法灵感的来源。
Though I am more a wallflower than a social butterfly, us introverts build deeper connections and I have made some of my closest friends on the road.