... When I Miss You当我想你的时候 The Subtlety淡淡地 Our Love Is Simple as a Song我们的爱简单如歌 ...
the subtlety of emotions 情绪的微妙性 ; 情绪的微妙 ; 情感的奥妙性
The Subtlety of Emotion 情绪的微妙
The Ramsay Subtlety 雷姆西的精髓
The coinage subtlety 造字的奥妙
As always, there are the power worshippers, especially among historians, who are predisposed to admire whatever is strong, who feel more attracted to the might of Rome than to the subtlety of Greece.
Nobody that we have dealt with has ever taken as much time to understand the subtlety of the science and all the different complications.
The subtlety of Bohea Lapsang makes cheaper versions taste like burnt toast.
Rather, his subtlety shows itself in his deliberate concealment of it, in the ways in which he masks himself in obviousness.