根据阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校(The University of Alaska Fairbanks)的科学家 Katey M. Walter Anthony 所言,这样的景色在世界上许多发生同样自然现象的天然湖和人工湖都能看到。
Regine Hock, a glacial geophysicist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, told the National Geographic that the breakup of ice shelves is "a normal process that happens all the time".
Regine Hock,一个阿拉斯加费尔班克斯分校冰川地质学家,告诉国家地理杂志冰架的崩落是“一个随时都在发生的普通现象”。
Archaeologist Ben Potter of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, spends a lot of time visiting ancient sites of human habitation throughout the state.