牛津大学(The University of Oxford)位于伦敦西北方,路程约六十英里。从伦敦到牛津开车需要二小时,这一段公路两旁的风光,充分显示出英国乡村的殷实与整洁。
其实这是一个没有校园的大学,英国人管牛津叫“牛津大学城”(The University of Oxford),整个城市构成了一个大学城,30多个学院分布在牛津城各地。
在9月30日公布的“2015-2016年世界大学排名”中,英国牛津大学(The University of Oxford)排在第二位,剑桥大学(The University of Cambridge)和伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College London)也进入前十,分别排在第四和第...
The University of Oxford Brookes 牛津布鲁克斯大学
The University of Oxford Broo 牛津布鲁克斯大学
at the University of Oxford 在牛津大学
The University City of Oxford 大学城 ; 牛津留给访古者最初印象 ; 牛津大学
The research of Oxford University 牛津办学模式探秘
"One of the reasons I find this topic very interesting is because my mom was a smoker when I was younger," says Lindson-Hawley, who studies tobacco and health at the University of Oxford.
"It could cause genetic problems later in life, including the development of cancer," Julian Savulescu from the University of Oxford told BBC News.
Matthew Rushworth, of the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, sees this in his lab every day.