...出布朗运动的特性,形成不变的悬浮液如果插手的胶体或带有阳电荷的事物,可以中和胶体外貌电荷,物理吸附力(the van derwaals force)可以跨越上面所说的排异力,从而激发胶体事物的凝聚混凝历程中施用的药剂大要可分为无机混凝剂和有机高份子絮凝剂
Pressed against a surface, the molecules of these ridges attract those of the surface via an electrostatic phenomenon called the van der Waals force.
The hydrogen bond does not belong to the chemical bond, neither belong to the van der Waals force. It is a special kind of bond situated between the chemical bond and the van der Waals force.
The development of the research of the Van der Waals force, the Coulomb force and the space resistance, which have an important influence on the agglomeration of the ultra-fine powders, is reviewed.