肾精亏虚证耳聋的临床治疗_临床医学论文 关键词:感音神经性耳聋; 双盲对照; 中医药治疗 [gap=949]Key words:Sensorineural Deafness; Two Blind control; Therapy Traditional Chinese Medicine
traditional Chinese medicine therapy 中医药疗法 ; 中药疗法 ; 中医药治疗 ; 中医疗法
therapy of traditional Chinese medicine 中医药疗法 ; 中药治疗
Dialectical traditional Chinese Medicine therapy 中药辨证治疗
therapy with traditional Chinese medicine 中医医疗
Overall, these one-package policies are somewhat similar to the complex therapy of Chinese traditional medicine.
For patients with late or not surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy can use traditional Chinese medicine therapy.
External therapy of traditional Chinese medicine is receiving increasing attention on treatment of fever in children also tend to wide, has the ideal prospect.