Thermal Shutdown 热关断 ; 热关机 ; 热保护
Thermal Shutdown Protection 保护 ; 过热保护 ; 及过温度保护
thermal-shutdown circuit 过热保护电路
Internal thermal shutdown circuitry 内部热关断电路
Thermal Shutdown Function 热保护线路
Only Thermal Shutdown 只有热关机
On the other hand,a low-power consumption shutdown circuit and a thermal-shutdown protection circuit are designed.
参考来源 - 高性能音频功放电路的设计与实现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Internal circuit protection includes: thermal shutdown with hysteresis, UVLO, and crossover-current protection.
Internal circuit protection includes short-to-ground, shorted load, thermal shutdown with hysteresis, and crossover current protection.
The LM1085 circuit includes a zener trimmed bandgap reference, current limiting and thermal shutdown.
该LM 1085电路包括1齐纳修剪带隙参考,电流限制和热关机。