hyperelliptic theta function 超椭圆函数
elliptic theta function 椭圆θ函数
False theta function formulae 部分theta函数公式
Borweins' cubic Theta function Borweins三次Theta函数
theta function expansion method 忒塔函数展开法
Notice it's no longer even a function of theta.
Or, the other way around, I have a function of x and y and I want to express it in terms of the polar coordinates r and theta.
Say, polar coordinates. Let's say that I have a function but is defined in terms of the polar coordinate variables on theta.
So we have the operationon the wave function in terms of r, theta, and phi and remember this e is just our binding energy for the electron, and we get back out this wave function.
You can also have angular notes, and when we talk about an anglar node, what we're talking about is values of theta or values of phi at which the wave function, and therefore, the wave function squared, or the probability density are going to be equal to zero.
In contrast when we're looking at a p orbital, so any time l is equal to 1, and you look at angular part of the wave function here, what you see is the wave function either depends on theta or is dependent on both theta and phi.