Do as I Think Fit 我行我素
think fit to do 决定做
I Think Fit 我认为
think fit to 认为是适宜的
I think I still fit 我觉得我还是适合 ; 我想我还是放不下 ; 我想我还是适合
I think I was fit 我想我还是放不下
You think much can fit 你想多少钱能合适
Make any alterations as you may think fit.
Which color do you think fit her best?
Civilisation surely demands everyone is left free to pursue their lives as they think fit?
Maybe I should make a bigger-- let me do it here, I can fit it in here I think.
Maybe something to be a chaplain wouldn't fit into the scheme of things, I think.
I think I can fit it in here. Let's try and fit it in here.
我觉得这里能写下 那就写这里了