驻足思考(Think On Feet)。其实这跟驻足静止没什么关系,所谓Think on Feet就是说在PK中,在被诘问时,要快速的想,靠谱(至少貌似靠谱)的说,而不是坐下...
THINK ON YOUR FEET 驻足思考 ; 用脚丫子思考 ; 你的双脚的思考 ; 想想你的脚
think on one's feet 思想敏捷 ; 头脑反应很快 ; 反应敏捷
think on our feet 反应迅速
to think on one's feet 形容一个人脑子很快
Most critters bounce on the balls of their feet, think cats and dogs, while others trot on their toes, like horses and deer.
Think about this story when someone steps on your feet and you want to argue with him.
Interviewers often ask these oddball questions to see how quickly you can think on your feet and whether you can avoid becoming flustered.