...,让猫儿踏上后,铃铛自然缚在猫的脚上;有的建议派遣敢死队,牺牲小我,完成大我;更有的宣称自己别出机杼(think out of box),干脆准备毒饵,永绝后患。
Think Out of the Box 跳出盒子想问题 ; 陈规呢 ; 跳出盒子 ; 打破沉规
In some ways, with those miraculous dreams, people could think out of box, they are more creative and innovation.
When you are faced with difficulties, you need to calm down and then think out of the box.
"One of the things that's come out of the crisis is that people now have the courage to think out of the box," says Gillian Tett of the Financial Times.