14、夏洛特山猫(tiger cat)(Charlotte Bobcats): “山猫”,北卡罗莱纳州山林中的野生动物,它机灵、善于捕获猎物,拥有猫科动物的一切习性。
... 小斑虎猫 oncilla ; Leopardus tigrinus ; Tiger cat ; Tigrillo 虎猫属 Leopardus 虎猫号 Tiger Cat ...
同义词: Felis tigrina
以上来源于: WordNet
N a medium-sized feline mammal, Felis tigrina, of Central and South America, having a dark-striped coat 美洲虎猫
My cat, Tiger, hates it when I use my iPad because it takes my attention away from him.
我的猫泰格讨厌我用 iPad,因为这会分散我对它的注意。
Scrumptious delights from the hotel's organic 'a la Cat' menu include poached salmon and tiger prawns served on silver platters or bone China plates.
And they can't just count the total number of tiger photographs, because the cameras might capture the same fame-hungry cat several times over.