... 固定式下送带盘装置 FH 紧带装置 tightening device ; belttake-uptakeup ; uptakeup ; belt take-up 程序带装置 program tape unit ...
mechanically tightening device 机械紧固设备
bucket chain tightening device [机] 斗链张紧装置
belt tightening device 皮带张紧装置
hydraulic efficiency tightening device 液压上紧装置
drum tightening device [机] 卷筒式张紧装置
chain tightening device 链条收紧装置
ballast tightening device [机] 重锤式张紧装置
Tightening device for winding cylinder 线圈纸筒绞紧器
screw tightening device 螺旋式张紧装置
Described are the design scheme, main technical parameters and performance features of the tightening device for bolts at the axle ends.
The movable rope tightening device is applicable to rope pulleys of different weight, and particularly has more advantages when applied to heavier rope pulleys.
This paper introduces the design of EBZ135 roadheader walking mechanism, including the drive system, pedrail and pedrail support mode, pedrail tightening device.