工程结构抗震分析 第三阶段(20世纪70年代至今) 动力理论阶段(Time History Method) 动力抗震设计理论具有如下特点: (1)输入地震动参数需要给出符合场地情况、具有概率意义的加速 度过程,对于复杂结构要求给出地震...
Time-history method 时间过程分析法 ; 时间系列法 ; 时间历程法 ; 时程分析法
dynamic time-history method 时程分析
nonlinear time history method 非线性时程分析方法
dynamical time-history method 动力时程方法
elastoplastic time history method 弹塑性动力时程分析方法
time history method to estimate 时间进程法
optimal time history matching method 验模方法
time history analysis method 时程分析法
time-history analyzed method 时间历程分析法
In this paper, the calculation model in one-dimensional discrete finite element methods about analysis of the thin-walled bar structures with open profile under earthquake loads is build according to mode - superposition response spectrum method and time history method.
参考来源 - 开口薄壁杆结构抗震分析的有限元法·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Research work of seismic analysis methods is focused on time history method and stochastic vibration method.
Computation of vibration frequency is carried out and seismic response is analyzed by use of response-spectrum method and time history method.
Precise time integration method is applied in short-leg shear wall, and a new scheme is put forward which is referred as Newmark-precision time history method.