冠名赞助商 ( Title Sponsor ): 浏阳河 Liuyang River 赞助商(Sponsor): 中联重科、运达中央广场、三湘都市报、李宁、新浪微博、金鹰纪实、红牛、搜狐体...
Title and Chief Sponsor 冠名首席赞助
The title sponsor, investment company Man Group, also sponsors the annual Booker Prize.
奖项主办者和投资人曼氏集团同时也是世界文学年度大奖“布克奖”(Booker Prize)的主办者。
The title sponsor can name the awarding banquet and name the thesis forum of the banquet.
Title sponsor of the scene interests Credits at the scene: in the field show host mouth sowing, and many 3rd;
冠名赞助商现场权益 现场鸣谢:本场晚会中主持人口播,不少3次;