Men use cardinal directions – the use of north, south, east and west - during navigation to a greater degree.
Only that the returned object graph can be controlled to a greater degree than in normal Web Services design patterns.
With each iteration, the process was improved to a greater degree, providing more business justification with each improvement.
In countries like India, the reports tend to emphasize, to a greater degree, the situation that the person found himself in that might have driven him to commit a murder.
It's one that we'll take up in greater detail, though, when we get to the book of Deuteronomy, where it is stressed to a greater degree than it is in Exodus, but for now, we can accept Levenson's claim that Sinai represents an intersection of law and love, because of the use of the suzerainty model.
Ordinary objects in the world participate to a greater or lesser degree in the Platonic forms.