病势 patient's condition; degree of seriousness of an illness 病逝 to die of illness 病势 patient's condition; degree of seriousness of an illness ..
Symptoms range from mild to severe; 20-50% of those with severe illness will die of the disease.
症状从温和到恶性都有。 20-50%的严重疾病患者将死于该病。
Infection may result in anywhere from no to severe illness; 20-50% of those with severe illness will die of the disease.
感染的结果可从不发病直到恶性症状;20 - 50%的重症患者将死于该病。
But with 10 to 20 per cent of people worldwide getting flu every year, that still adds up to a huge burden of illness - and even in a good year some half a million die.
但是,全球每年有10% - 20%的人感染流感,这意味着流感依旧是一项巨大的疾病负担,即使在情况较好的年份里(指流感感染人数较少,译者注),每年仍有大约50万人死于流感。