Claim: To declare to be true; To kill 声称;夺命 Clash: Dispute, violent argument, Battle (n.); To disagree strongly; fight (v.
Claim: To declare to be true; To kill 声称;夺命 Clash: Dispute, violent argument, Battle (n.
...练习讲英语可以提高你的英语口语水平 To practice speaking English every day can improve your spoken English& 杀死 To kill& 我想每个人都希望住在如此风景秀丽的地方 I think everyone wants to live in such a beautiful place& ..
Licence to Kill 杀人执照 ; 铁金刚勇战杀人狂魔 ; 系列之杀人执照 ; 之杀人执照
TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD 杀死一只知更鸟 ; 怪屋疑云 ; 梅岗城故事
Dressed to Kill 剃刀边缘 ; 整装作战 ; 打扮的花枝招展 ; 出版者
A Time to Kill 杀戮时刻 ; 铁案风云 ; 片
A Love to Kill 这该死的爱情 ; 这该死的爱 ; 泡沫之夏
it's hard to kill 但也不能轻易扑灭 ; 却难以抹杀 ; 也很难被扼杀 ; 杀死是难的
Hard to Kill 七年风暴 ; 杀不死的勇者 ; 铁血猛龙 ; 至尊特警
Driven To Kill 被迫杀人 ; 片 ; 生死对决
This is a torturous, agonizing way to kill someone.
Chlorine is added to kill bacteria.
I bought a spray to kill the weeds.
He was found guilty of murder. Like those found guilty of plotting to kill Abraham Lincoln, he was hanged.
VOA: special.2010.04.22
The idea of going into battle is not merely to avoid being killed; the purpose is to kill the other fellow.
I'm coming at this guy and what I want to do, if I can, I want to kill him.