to proceed immediately to
... 宝贝配饰 » Pet accessories 立即着手 » To proceed immediately to 就此安静 » On this quiet ...
to proceed immediately to
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Very few people hear that passion will make them productive and then-out of a dedication to productivity-immediately proceed to follow their dreams and become more productive.
The Hotel is being evacuated, please leave your room immediately by the emergency exit to the Staircase and proceed to the Lobby Floor.
We signed an authorisation to proceed yesterday with TAS to immediately begin work designing and building our satellites, and this puts us on track for our first launch of the new satellites in the first quarter of 2015.
BBC: Huge order for Iridium spacecraft
Some manufacturers accept that, but proceed immediately to another argument: that the current crisis is needlessly endangering productive, highly skilled manufacturing jobs.
ECONOMIST: The economy