得主。 中文名称 丰田杯足球赛 英文名称 Toyota Cup 举办时间 1980年 举办地点 日本东京 赛事类型 足球 目录 1 赛事简述 2 历届冠亚军 3 最佳球员 4 丰田杯趣话 5 各项纪录 丰田杯赛事简述 编辑
With Madrid, he went on to score in the Toyota Cup - a world club championship - earlier this month in a 2-0 victory in Japan.
本月初,他又与皇马队一起以2-0捧得了日本丰田杯,一项世界俱乐部冠军赛。 好评(0)
After Toyota cup 1/8 matches, I once had said that although Li Shishi at the height of power, but eight strong wars have not become to big Li Bing calculated.
Our company specializes in the production and sales: the gold cup, Nissan, the Great Wall, Toyota automobile chassis parts, engine parts, oil seals, rubber parts.