... bottleneck effect 瓶颈作用 traffic bottleneck 交通瓶颈 bottleneck inflation 瓶颈式通货膨胀...
traffic safety bottleneck 交通安全瓶颈
When the traffic demand to a certain extent, the traffic bottleneck will form a long queue of vehicles, leading to a small scope congestion.
This includes an instance of a traffic bottleneck as a result of too many visitors sending too many requests during a particular range of time to a Web service application based on business processes.
文中包含了一个流量瓶颈的实例,导致该瓶颈的原因是:在特定期间有太多的访问者基于业务流程发送了太多的请求到一个 Web 服务应用程序。
Traffic had already backed up at the East Coast's perennial chokepoint: the Interstate 95 toll plaza in Newark, Del., where construction is adding to the bottleneck.