...菲尼迪连续两年排名豪华品牌第二名和第三名,得到了市场的认可;英菲尼迪甚至还在全国四个大区域设立了培训中心(training center),针对服务顾问设立了不同的等级,他们必须接受专业的培训和考试,才能“持证上岗”。
...年停摆期间,詹姆斯忙于各种作秀,勒布朗经常会去打一些没有任何技术含量的表演赛,而此时的罗斯则是呆在训练馆(Training Center)里挥汗如雨坚持系统性训练,作为(As)一名只有22岁的球员来说,罗斯少年老成的一面给人留下了深刻的印象,他显然并不满足自己如今...
走进训练中心(Training Center),教授向学员展示了一部价值百万美元的3D全自动枪弹比对系统,示范如何在上千万笔资料库中,分析比对出弹药与枪枝的类型。
高职物流实训中心建设探讨_职业教育_中华论文网 关键词高职物流 实训中心 教学 [gap=891]Key wordshigher vocational logistics; training center; teaching
Authorized Training Center 授权培训中心 ; 培训中心 ; 中心 ; 授权训练中心
Amoy Guitar Training Center 厦门吉他培训中心
Arts Training Center 艺术培训中心
Engineering training center 工程训练中心
National Training Center 国家训练中心 ; 美国国家训练中心
Parachute Training Center 跳伞运动员训练中心
Asian Training Center 东方韩亚韩国语学校 ; 韩亚外语培训学校
Carrington Training Center 基地 ; 卡灵顿训练基地
Trainings training center 群思科技培训中心
Objectives: The evaluated guideline system of standardized residents training center is very important in strengthening residents training center construction, improving the quality of standardized residents training.
参考来源 - 住院医师规范化培训基地评价指标体系研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
When Winston is four years old, the foster family must return it to the training center.
I was killing my time at home until June 2012 when I discovered the online computer courses of your training center.
Gucci: Is the training center helpful?
In nineteen ninety-two, Aravind established what was described as Asia's first training center for the prevention of blindness.
VOA: special.2010.04.27
And the mission of the positive psychology center is to promote research, training, education and dissemination of positive psychology.
The company has a huge training center in North Carolina that is used by the American military and other American security forces.
VOA: special.2009.06.19