...间亥4度来收集,这样的数据称为高频数据(hi曲frequency data),金融市场中,逐笔交易数据(transaction by transaction data)或逐秒记录数据(tickby tick data)就是高频数据的例子. 金融高频数据的—类重要分支是关于金融高频数据分析中所使用的计量模型...
For example, when a transaction is distributed, the data might be lost by one of the participants, even after the transaction was committed.
The EJB container verifies that none of the data updated by a transaction has changed before committing the transaction.
EJB 容器在事务提交之前确认由该事务更新的数据有无更改。
Ensuring data consistency in this environment requires some from of transaction management by a transaction coordination service (TCS).
确保此环境下的数据一致性需要事务协调服务(Transaction Coordination Service, TCS)的某种形式的事务管理。