: 中文名称: 捻纱 中文别名: 英文名称: Twist yarn 英文别名: 中文名称: 捻接(头)法,(经纱)捻接 中文别名: 英文名称: Twist-in 英文别名: 中文名称: 加捻锁缝线迹 中文别名:
soft twist yarn 弱捻纱
tight twist yarn 强捻纱 ; 右手捻
hard twist yarn 紧捻纱 ; 强捻纱
self-twist yarn 自捻纱
coloured twist yarn 杂色股线 ; 正色股线
double coloured twist yarn 双色花线
high twist yarn 强捻丝
false twist yarn 假捻纱
crepe twist yarn 紧捻纱
Direction of further improving the performance of quadruple-twist yarn was brought forward.
When it is rolled clockwise by your right hand, an S-twist yarn will become tighter and a Z-twist yarn looser.
An S-twist yarn is one in which the fibers follow a spiral pattern parallel to the center bar of the letter s.