type I error 第一类误差 ; 错误 ; 误差 ; 第一类错误
type I error I 型误差
probability of type I error 第一类错误的概率
the TYPE I error 第一种类型错误
Type I error rate 第一类统计错误率
Type I error rates I型错误率
type I error probability 类错误概率
type I error and power 第一类错误和电源
N the error of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true, the probability of which is the significance level of a result 在前提正确时排斥它的误差; 其概率为结果的显著性水准 [statistics]
If he infers that she is interested when she is in fact not interested, then he has made an error of false positive (what the statisticians call the "Type I" error).
The most visible difference between XML Schema and Schematron is the quality of error messages generated during the checking of constraints of type I, which are structural constraints.
XML Schema 与 Schematron 最明显的区别就是在对类型 I 的结构性约束的检查过程中产生的错误消息的质量。
If I try to specify something else, I'll either get a compiler issue or Hadoop will error-out with a message describing a type mismatch.