abstract:UK Green Investment Bank plc is a funding institution created in 2012 by the UK government to attract private funds for the financing of the private sector's investments related to environmental preservation and improvement. It is structured as a public limited company and is owned by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).
InaDECC press release, Milliband said the GreenInvestmentBankwouldbeamajor step in overcoming the financing challenges facingmajorinfrastructure projects in the UK.
This is the bill to create the UKGreenInvestmentBank, reshape employment law and replace the Competition Commission and the Office of Fair Trading with a new Competition and Markets Authority.
Liberal Democrat MSP Liam McArthur's amendment, which said the UK Government's plans for a GreenInvestmentBank to fund low-carbon transport and energy schemes would benefit Scotland's efforts to build a low-carbon economy, was passed without opposition with 75 MSPs voting for it and with 46 MSPs abstaining.