【DOC】第八章 高效液相色谱法及临界流体色谱法 - taodocs.com淘豆网 检测器有吸收、示差折光率、荧光和安培检测器等。对它们的要求和性能指标与气相色谱检测器基本相同。1. 吸收检测器主要包括紫外吸收检测器(ultra-violet detector,UVD)和二极管阵列检测器(diod-array detector,DAD)。紫外吸收检测器是一种选择性浓度
GaN ultraviolet detector GaN紫外探测器
ZnO ultraviolet detector ZnO紫外探测器
AlGaN ultraviolet detector AlGaN紫外探测器
ultraviolet detector s 紫外光电探测器
conductivity-ultraviolet detector 电导
semiconductor ultraviolet detector 半导体紫外探测器
test on ultraviolet detector 紫外探测器的测试
silicon photodiode vacuum ultraviolet detector 硅光电二极管真空紫外探测器
ultraviolet flame detector 紫外线火焰检测器
According to verification regulation,standard materials for ultraviolet detector of HPLC are developed. The confecting method is introduced briefly.
参考来源 - 液相分析仪紫外检测器标准物质的研制及不确定度评定And designed a direct detect system by selecting CPC optical antenna, ultraviolet filter and ultraviolet detector. And calculate the detect system’s performance.
参考来源 - 基于日盲紫外光通信的探测接收技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The invention discloses a transparent flexible ultraviolet detector and simultaneously discloses a preparation thereof.
The neutral coated capillary and 4% linear polyacrylamide gel buffer were used, and the wave length of ultraviolet detector was 254 nm.
A wireless ultraviolet detector system is got into reality in this design by combining the technology of ZJM-6Ultraviolet Fire detector and wireless network technology.
本文将Z JM - 6紫外火焰探测器与无线技术结合,设计和实现了无线紫外火焰探测系统。