uncertain linear system 不确定性线性系统; 线性不确定系统; 不确定线性系统; 非匹配线性系统 收藏 uncertain piecewise linear system 不确定分段线性系统 收藏 .
parameter uncertain linear system 参数不确定线性系统
uncertain piecewise linear system 不确定分段线性系统
uncertain linear singular system 不确定线性奇异系统
uncertain switched linear system 不确定线性切换系统
linear uncertain system 线性不确定系统
linear uncertain composite system 不确定组合大系统
uncertain linear time-delay system 不确定线性时滞系统
uncertain time-variant linear system 不确定时变线性系统
For a class of uncertain linear system, a more practical model of actuator faults than discrete fault model is considered.
This paper studies the delay dependent memoryless robust stabilization problem for a class of uncertain linear system with time varying delays in both state and control.
The optimal control design for the uncertain piecewise linear system has been converted to the problem of optimizing upper bound and seeking lower bound of the optimal control performance.