... 感知改变(特定的)(视、听、运动、味、触、嗅)(Sensory/Perceptual 单侧感觉丧失(Unilateral Neglect) 绝望(Honelessness) ...
... UNILATERAL NEGLECT 单侧感觉丧失 ; 单侧性忽视 ; 侧忽略 ; 单侧体会丧失 neglect willmigerl 疏忽照顾 ; 疏忽行为 ; 疏忽 cultivate neglect 培养 ...
... Altered Peripheral Tissue Perfusion 周围组织灌注量改变 Unilateral Neglect 忽略单侧身体 Urinary Elimination, Altered Patterns of 排尿型态异常 ...
...脑注意网络模型 患侧忽略,又称单侧忽略(unilateral neglect)或单侧空间忽 略( unilateral spatial neglect USN )是脑卒中后立即出现的最 常见的行为认知障碍之一, 其特征为受损对侧肢体感...
unilateral neglect syndrome 单侧忽视症
visual unilateral neglect 视觉单侧忽略
unilateral spatial neglect 单侧性空间忽视 ; 单侧空间忽略 ; 单侧空间忽视 ; 侧空间忽略症
unilateral visual neglect 忽略症 ; 或单侧视觉忽略症
unilateral spatial neglect USN 单侧空间忽略
Unilateral l Neglect 单侧感觉丧失
N a symptom of brain damage in which a person is unaware of one side of his body and of anything in the external world on the same side 单侧性忽视
Unilateral neglect is a common and advanced nervous disorder of stroke, well-recognized predictor of poor neural functional outcome following stroke.
RESULTS:Of the 17 cases, different degree of buccofacial apraxia was found in all the cases, speech apraxia in 16 cases, and unilateral neglect in 8 cases.
Objective to compare the sensitivity of 8 assessment methods of unilateral spatial neglect and explore their respective influence factors.