... 单元的,一元的 unitarian 单元的 elementary; monobloc; monophyletic; unitarian; unitary 单元的地址 bluetooth ...
Unitarian Churches 神体一位会
unitarian theory 单元学说
Unitarian View 神体一位观
Unitarian Universalist 一神普教论者 ; 寻道会
The Unitarian Register 一位论记事
First Unitarian Church and School 一神论教会和学校
unitarian hypothesis 一元假设
以上来源于: WordNet
N a supporter of unity or centralization 中央集权支持者
ADJ of or relating to unity or centralization 中央集权的
On Sundays, she goes to Unitarian Universalist churches along the way.
Our guest turned out to be a lovely, thoughtful and smart Unitarian minister.
Newton could not be Master of Trinity because he was a Unitarian and so not in Holy Orders.