induced unitary operator [数] 诱导酉算子
multiplicative unitary operator 乘法酉算子
n-photon unitary operator n光子么正算符
k-photon unitary operator k光子么正演化算符
n photon unitary operator n光子么正算符
generalized p-unitary operator 广义p酉算子
以上来源于: WordNet
The relations of the ground state energy with the coefficient of dispersion, strength and magnetic field strength are derived by using linear-combination operator and unitary transformation method.
As multiple-quantum operator algebra theory mentioned, any unitary transformation can be decomposed into a sequence of a limited number of one-qubit quantum gates and two-qubit diagonal gates.
The variational relations of the internal excited states of polaron with coupling strength and magnetic field were derived by using the linear combination operator and unitary transformation methods.