... 成员 member 英国国民 british national; united kingdom national 英国国徽;英国国民。 british lion ...
united kingdom national football team 联合王国国家足球队
以上来源于: WordNet
In 1932 she became a vice president of the Royal National Institute for the Blind in the United Kingdom.
The AD which will appear in all national newspapers across the United Kingdom is set to be the first in a string of charm offences designed to try and recover the image of the company.
UK NINO The National Insurance Number (NINO) is an alphanumeric number of nine characters used in the United Kingdom for national insurance and tax purposes.
UK NINO 国家保险号(NINO)是英国使用的包含 9 个字符的字母数字编号,用于国家保险和税收用途。