Below the now frenetic promenade, boats laden with opium would unload their deadly cargo under cover of darkness, while in the nearby jungles and mountains, warlords fought bloody battles.
The ship docked at the wharf to unload its cargo.
The ship was allowed to unload cargo on the wharf.
"I saw all these ships waiting out there,I am guessing, waiting their turns to load and unload the cargo, so,I said,Why do the ships come into the harbor?" Why not have the harbor go out there and bring the goods in?'" Researchers describe the mobile harbor as a lean, light system for unloading container ships even if the coastal area is too shallow for them to dock.
VOA: standard.2010.01.04
Cruise ships dock on one side. On the other,long-haul cargo ships unload their containers.
VOA: standard.2010.07.20