...改名事物日志文件;•使事物日志归档模式选项有效或失效;•进行完整数据库的恢复操作 改变数据库的状态(UNMOUNT TO MOUNT) : 打开数据库:ALTER DATABASE db01 MOUNT;Page 92ALTER DATABASE db01 OPEN; AxxxTxxoIxxx关闭模式允许新的接入等待直到当前的...
To unmount a FUSE file system, you can type fusermount -u /some/mount/point.
可以输入 fusermount -u /some/mount/point 以卸载 FUSE 文件系统。
After compilation, the fuse package installs a number of libraries required to build new fuse file systems and an application named fusermount to mount and unmount fuse file systems.
user specifies that a non-root user is permitted to mount and unmount the filesystem.
user 指定一个非根用户被允许安装或卸载文件系统。