And you could then use a sequence of CTRL-N and CTRL-P (or the up - and down-arrows) to step through the menu and select the word you wanted.
然后,您可以分别使用CTRL - N和CTRL - P(或上下箭头)来在菜单的候选项上移动并选择您想要的单词。
The S&P 500 is up almost 3 per cent this year, but financials have fallen 16 per cent and consumer cyclicals are down 11 per cent.
标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)今年以来上涨近3%,但金融类股却下跌了16%,周期性消费类股也下跌了11% 。
Whether it was in P. E. or coming home on the bus every day, they'd stand up and they would jump up and down and they would chant "Over-weight Kate. Over-weight Kate."
So this is a little bit trickier to look at and see what it means, but essentially we have two hybrid orbitals, which are shown in blue here, and then we have one p orbital that's left alone that's going up and down on the page.