梵蒂冈(Vatican City State):世界上最小、人口最少的国家。位于意大利罗马城西北角高地上,四面都与意大利接壤,除位于城东南的 圣彼得广场 外,国界以梵蒂...
The Vatican City State 梵蒂冈城国 ; 梵蒂冈 ; 梵蒂冈乡国 ; 梵蒂冈城
Vatican City State H 梵蒂冈城国
VA - Vatican City State 梵蒂岗 ; 梵地冈
va Vatican City State 梵蒂冈 ; 梵蒂网
Vatican City State-Holy See 梵蒂冈
Not Vatican City State 而不梵蒂冈国家
When what is represented is the Holy See, not Vatican City State, the keys are reversed.
The flag of the Vatican City State is as on your webpage, showing the arms with the silver key in the dexter position.
They say Vatican police found a stack of secret documents in his home, just inside the walls of the Vatican city state.