very much impressed by the
...的痛有谁明白,我的心有谁知 » There who understands my pain, my heart who knows 非常的受感动 » Very much impressed by the ..
very much impressed by the
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
With regard to ideas relating to context, I was very much impressed by the installations at the Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony.
His son suddenly burst into a sad weep. The people around them were very much impressed by the boy's sentimental attachment to his father.
The early workers in relativistic theory were very much impressed by the symmetry between space and time and wanted to cling to it— to hold onto it at all costs.
"I was really very, very much impressed and strengthened by the turnouts, " the mayor said.
CNN: Giuliani: Recovery, cleanup could take a year
Michalae Thompson, home manager at Bupa's Meadbank Nursing Centre in London, which Mr Timlin visited, said she had been very impressed by the designs, which she feels are much needed.
BBC: The utensils keeping frail people eating independently
Alison, in turn, was much impressed by the food, which was simple and unpretentious but very good (roasted cod, ravioli, leeks vinaigrette).
WSJ: The Winter Pleasures of Burgundy's Beaune | On Wine by Lettie Teague