swap -l 的结果是虚拟交换空间(virtual swap space) swap -s 的结果是物理交换空间(physical swap space),是交换空间在磁盘中的表示形式,
We can scan our consciousnesses into computers and enter a virtual existence or swap our bodies for immortal robots and light out for the edges of space as intergalactic godlings.
The vmstat command provides a long-term view of virtual usage, including providing information on the amount of memory being actively swapped between swap space and RAM.
vmstat 命令可以提供虚拟内存使用情况的长期视图,包括提供有关交换空间与 RAM 之间正在活动地交换的内存量的信息。
Tmpfs also makes use of the disk swap space for storage, and of the virtual memory (VM) subsystem when requesting pages for storing files.