画家作为颜料稀释剂的一种无色挥发性溶剂(VOLATILE SOLVENT),有着宜人的气味,和高度适于绘画创作的挥发率。尽管个别人对其过敏,甚至皮肤出现病症,但一般情况下它并不容易燃烧,且对人体基本无...
volatile solvent use disorder 挥发性溶剂使用障碍
non-volatile solvent 非挥发性溶剂
Volatile solvent user 挥发性溶剂使用者
Volatile solvent abuser 挥发性溶剂滥用者
V volatile solvent 挥发性溶剂
easy volatile solvent 易挥发溶剂
Former volatile solvent user 以前挥发性溶剂使用者
Volatile Organic Solvent 挥发性有机溶剂
volatile e solvent use disorder 挥发性溶剂使用障碍
In addition, the adhesive has the characters of no volatile solvent and no pollution.
"RUPO 10" is a volatile solvent capable of displacing water from surfaces but depositing no perceptible film after evaporation.
Air polluted by the powder dust, paint mist and volatile solvent in the coating process will harm to health of people who breathe with the air.