... UUID Universal Unique Identifier 通用唯一标识 在SDP层使用。 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网 WAP Wireless Application Prtocol 无线应用协议 ...
... WAIS Wide Area Information Service 广域信息服务 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网络 WAP Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议 ...
Then, new wide area network (WAN) clients are adopted by regional project teams.
4gl tools cannot be run over a wide area network (WAN) for reasons of security and performance.
From his work on NDMA, Hollebeek passes on a few recommendations for dealing with extremely large databases connected by a wide area network (WAN).
We have plenty of band with a long distance and thanks to local area networks like my own baby Ethernet, we have plenty of bandwidth in local area that was inside of buildings. But there is a gap, there is a gap between the LAN, the local area network, and the WAN, the Wide Area Network.