Vorwort über Terminus ... "Was man hört,kann falsch sein,was man sieht,ist wahr." 耳听为虚,眼见为实 Wassensystem-Simulator m. 武器系统模拟器 Wasser - und Bodenerhaltung f. 水土保持 ...
With Bill's warning in mind, Harry could not help suspecting that Griphook was on the watch for possible skulduggery.
Which was all we could do for the next four days, except watch a mechanic struggle to get Matilda back on the road for the most fearsome stretch yet: the Great Sandy Desert of Western Australia.
However, that was not the mentality of every Glastonbury-goer, as many opted to watch the World Cup match on giant screens that had been specially set up for the occasion in two designated fields.
但这种想法并不能代表所有来参加节日的人。 主办方在音乐节现场特意设置了两个位置摆放大屏幕,方便大家观看世界杯的比赛。