水域资源( water area resources) 是发达渔业、养殖业、航运和旅游业的场所,它具有紧张的经济诈欺价值,是狭义水资源的一个组成局部。你看淘宝刷钻软件。
protection area of water resources 保护区
water resources area 大武水源地
water resources secondary area 水资源二级区
irrigation area water resources management 灌区水资源管理
Water Resources Inventory Area 1 号水资源库存区域
"We're convinced that the future for rice farming lies in Africa," said Seck. "This continent has more potential than any other area of the world because of its land and water resources."
Abundant water and forest resources, forest cover throughout the area accounted for Bosnia and Herzegovina 46.6%.
The analysis of supply and demand of water resources in the study area shows that in the next 10 years the water will be in great shortage.