arm waving 臂波浪摆动
waving step 波浪步
flag-waving 强烈表现
Waving Dance 摆手舞
Waving value 起伏值
fin waving 肋片波纹
leg waving 摆动腿
waving items 卫生洁器
non-waving 无纺
V-T/V-I If you wave or wave your hand, you move your hand from side to side in the air, usually in order to say hello or goodbye to someone. 挥 (手以示意)
Jessica caught sight of Lois and waved to her.
He grinned, waved, and said, "Hi!"
N-COUNT Wave is also a noun. 挥 (手)
Steve stopped him with a wave of the hand.
V-T If you wave someone away or wave them on, you make a movement with your hand to indicate that they should move in a particular direction. 挥手 (示意某人离开、前进等)
Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation.
He waited for a policeman to stop the traffic and wave the people on.
V-T If you wave something, you hold it up and move it rapidly from side to side. 挥舞
Hospital staff were outside to welcome him, waving flags and applauding.
V-I If something waves, it moves gently from side to side or up and down. 飘扬; 摆动
...grass and flowers waving in the wind.
N-COUNT A wave is a raised mass of water on the surface of water, especially the sea, which is caused by the wind or by tides making the surface of the water rise and fall. 波浪; (尤指) 海浪
...the sound of the waves breaking on the shore.
N-COUNT If someone's hair has waves, it curves slightly instead of being straight. (头发的) 波浪卷; 鬈曲
Her blue eyes shone and caught the light, and so did the platinum waves in her hair.
N-COUNT A wave is a sudden increase in heat or energy that spreads out from an earthquake or explosion. (地震、爆炸的) 冲击波
The shock waves of the earthquake were felt in Teheran.
N-COUNT Waves are the form in which things such as sound, light, and radio signals travel. (光、声、无线电等的) 波
Regular repeating actions such as sound waves, light waves, or radio waves have a certain frequency, or number of waves per second.
N-COUNT If you refer to a wave of a particular feeling, you mean that it increases quickly and becomes very intense, and then often decreases again. (情绪的) 波动
She felt a wave of panic, but forced herself to leave the room calmly.
N-COUNT A wave is a sudden increase in a particular activity or type of behaviour, especially an undesirable or unpleasant one. (活动或行为的) 突然爆发; 浪潮
...the current wave of violence.
→ see also new wave, tidal wave
She stormed into my office waving a newspaper.
He stood mournfully at the gate waving bye bye.
He was waving his arms to draw their attention.
She waved from our ships upon the briny foam And now they've about quit waving her back here at home.
VOA: special.2010.07.02
Let's get somebody. There's a guy waving an arm out there.
And in this quest for what is best, positive psychology does not rely on wishful thinking, self-deception,or hand waving; instead,it tries to adapt what is best in the scientific method to the unique problems that human behavior presents " in all its complexity."