...我做个洁身自好的女孩 » Abstinence education since childhood to be a girl I 我们能满足要求 » We can meet the requirements 这是我的抉择 » This is my choice ..
"First of all we help them bear a child and then we can help them marry - as long as they meet the legal requirements," she said.
In the first section about a simple add-on, we discussed two requirements that we must meet so our add-on can configure JAMon in any Spring MVC web application. The requirements were.
在关于简单附加组件的小节中,我们讨论了两个必须满足的要求,以便使我们的附加组件能够在任何Spring MVC Web应用程序中配置JAMon。
If the customer has the demand for the specification, we can according to your request to tailor made, can meet your requirements.