DHTML Windows: The DHTML window provides a mechanism for putting a modeless floating window on top of your page content.
DHTML windows: DHTML window为在页面内容上放置无模式的悬浮窗提供了一种机制。
In the relevant item of the program configuration you can choose whether to display a window on top of all applications.
When they had arrived on top, the old man lifted Heidi up to the open window.
Now just to get used to the conventions, 0 because this is the program you'll use not for problems at 0 but for 1 to start writing programs, notice at the top in this window just reminds you what you're working on.
In the other context, you know in a Window and a Windows machine, you close it with the X on the top right hand corner, where do you close it in the Mac?