They argue that, with the banking industry catatonic and consumers pulling their purse strings ever tighter, the world is so topsy-turvy that any financial goal will be out of date as soon as the ink dries on the press release.
The Model Mortgage Origination Documents were introduced by the Steering Committee in 2001 after extensive consultation with the banking industry and the legal profession.
The purpose of KYC is to provide general applicable business services for accelerating customer on-boarding and maintenance processes with compliance to KYC regulations in banking Industry.
KYC 的用途是提供通用的业务服务,在符合银行业的 KYC 规则的情况下,加快客户开立帐户和维护流程的速度。
WITH REGULATORS TURNING off the tap that used to allow investment banks to draw easy profits, the industry is looking to retail banking for new sources of earnings.